Crowdfunding campaign - summary in English
You most likely come to this page because you saw or heard of our crowdfunding campaign. All content is in German, so you are wondering, what is all the fuss about? First of all: Thank you for your interest! Some good news: While our texts are in German, the starntext page itself has an English version here. In the following text, we will share an English summary with you. What is this project about? What do we need your support for? How can you support our campaign?
If you haven't done so already, we invite you to watch our video. You can chose English or Spanish subtitles! Simply click on the “settings” symbol in the right lower corner of the video and select a suitable subtitle language.
What is our project about?
Sharing the harvest is a concept lived by Community Supported Agriculture members. CSA groups are a direct community of consumers and producers. Using this model, harvest, responsibility and risks are shared through long-term contracts. This makes small scale and local farming more possible.
However, CSA administration is burdensome and time consuming. We want to support these initiatives to simplify their administration to allow them to focus on what’s important: growing food and growing the community. Our idea: a suitable OpenSource Software.
We are not alone with our idea. In 2016 a group in Switzerland already started to implement an OpenSource Software called OpenOlitor. OpenOlitor is currently used by initiatives in Switzerland but it doesn’t yet fulfill all the needs of CSAs outside of Switzerland.
What is the goal of our crowdfunding campaign?
- Support new languages. Right now OpenOlitor only offers French and SwissGerman text
- Support new currencies. Currently OpenOlitor only offers exchange in Swiss Francs
- Support money transfer (SEPA). Currently OpenOlitor functions with a Swiss debit/check system that only functions nationally.
- Apply some suggested changes> from the diverse CSAs using the platform during the test phase.
The modifications are general so that the platform can be used more internationally and is not limited to only Switzerland and Germany.
How to support us and what are these “rewards”?
While the interface of the startnext campaign page is in English, the content is not, unfortunately. So you can find your way through to donate by clicking on the “Support this project” button which is on the right side next to the funding status or just below this text. There is the option to just enter an arbitrary amount of donation or to chose a “thank you”. Startnext calls the “thank yous” a reward on their interface, but it really is a way for us to thank you for your support. However, if you are looking for a donation receipt you will only be able to get one if you chose a donation WITHOUT thank you . There are two types of thank yous: Those that are independent of a location and those that are not.
Independent of Location:
1. Community feeling: 5 Euro
Really just a donation 🙂
2. 5 virtual hugs: 15 Euro
We send over a virtual hug from each of the sunu team members
3. Ackerupdate: 20 Euro
For one season, we will send you a quarterly email to show you how the fields develop.
4. OpenOlitor Webinar: 25 Euro
You can participate in one of our webinars where we give an introduction to the application. If German is not feasible for you and if the interest in an English webinar arises, we are happy to do that too!
17. Deine Sprache in OpenOlitor: 100 Euro
OpenOlitor has the option to include a language file such that you can use the individual expressions of your CSA. For example, you may say “share” instead of “subscription” in your CSA. If you chose this thank you, we will work with you to provide such a file and include it in the drop down list of languages to choose from.
19. Honig Sponsor*in: 500 Euro
We will honor your contribution by publishing your name as “Honig Sponsor” (Honey Sponsor) on our website
The following rewards are tied to specific locations. Only look further if you intend to visit one of these locations or would do so in order to make use of the thank you:
- Nordheide close to Hamburg
- Bayreuth
- Landolfshausen close to Göttingen
- Niederkaufungen close to Kassel
- Nürtingen close to Stuttgart
5. Solawi Tour – Nordheide (Hamburg): 30 EUR
A tour through the CSA in Nordheide to show you how it works in practice.
6. Solawi Tour – Bayreuth: 30 EUR
A tour through the CSA in Bayreuth to show you how it works in practice.
7. Bayreuth mal anders: 30 EUR
A tour through other initiatives in Bayreuth that have similar ideas than a CSA.
8. Solawi Entspannung – Landolfshausen (Göttingen): 35 EUR
Hands on experience on the farm in Landolfshausen- see how relaxing it is to weed!
9. Solawi Entspannung – Nordheide (Hamburg): 35 EUR
Hands on experience on the farm in Nordheide – see how relaxing it is to weed!
10. Solawi Entspannung – Bayreuth 15.8.18: 35 EUR
Hands on experience on the farm in Bayreuth – see how relaxing it is to weed!
11. Solawi Entspannung – Bayreuth 16.8.18: 35 EUR
Hands on experience on the farm in Bayreuth – see how relaxing it is to weed!
12. Solawi Workout – Landolfshausen (Göttingen): 40 EUR
Fresh air work-out – push your limits in helping with the harvest in Landolfshausen.
13. Solawi Workout – Nordheide (Hamburg): 40 EUR
Fresh air work-out – push your limits in helping with the harvest in Nordheide.
14. Alles über Humus – Bayreuth: 50 EUR
CSA Bayreuth is organizing a project on Humus with several schools. You are invited to attend one of the events in relation to this project to learn more about humus!
15. Picknick mit Hühnern – Kassel: 55 EUR
A picnic with chickens in Kassel. You will get to know the chickens in CSA Kassel (Niederkaufungen), eat a cake and hang out with other supporters to learn more about the CSA Kassel and their chicken farm.
16. Hoftour & Hofcafe – Nürtingen: 100 EUR
A private tour for two through the CSA in Nürtingen culminating in a meal prepared by the “Hofcafe” (farm café) and a freshly baked bread to take home.
18. Connemara ponies – Landolfshausen (Göttingen): 200 EUR
Pony riding for two in Landolfshausen. The CSA in Landolfshausen does not only have vegetable patches but also Connemara ponies.